Meditation Toolbox
Letting Go of Trauma & What No Longer Serves You Meditation

Letting Go of Trauma & What No Longer Serves You Meditation

Meditations with Sunny

Letting Go of Trauma & What No Longer Serves You Meditation

Today on HeartBalm Meditations with Sunny, I invite you on a journey of letting go and embracing the present moment. In the next few minutes, we’ll begin a transformative experience designed to help you release trauma, and the burdens of life and connect with the natural flow of love, light, and healing within you.

This meditation guides you to surrender your worries, fears, triggers, doubts, and struggles, leaving you with a sense of inner peace, wholeness, and gratitude.

This guided meditation was inspired by an earlier original HeartBalm Healing Podcast titled, “Learning to Surrender.” Click on the link to read more about surrendering all that weighs you down and no longer serves you, and open up to wholeness and transformation.

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“Have you ever been so tired, and so beaten down by the darkness and the dawn that does not arrive as quickly as you think it should, and by all of the desperate efforts and wild attempts that you realize there is nowhere else to go but surrender to what is? To accept that a life of trying to get somewhere different than what is right here and right now is a mirage of time and effort. So you drop everything – the weighty world you have been carrying on your shoulders and all of the things you have been adding to it. You let it all go and feel your body sigh with relief, your hands unfold and relax, and your mind stops and there is silence and the realization that letting go is the way.”

_Sunny Lynn, OMC, “HeartBalm Healing Podcast No. 46: Learning To Surrender”

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Meditation Toolbox
The complete "HeartBalm Meditations with Sunny" catalog of guided meditations. This is your sanctuary for unfurling, healing, and finding the soothing balm for your loving heart. Step into a space of tranquility and calm, where you can nurture your soul.