Meditation Toolbox
Finding Connection & Balance Amidst the Shifting Tides of Life Meditation

Finding Connection & Balance Amidst the Shifting Tides of Life Meditation

Meditations with Sunny
Photo of magnificent tree at lakes edge, Holter Lake Dam, Craig, Montana (2006). Copyright SJPhotography.

Finding Connection & Balance Amidst the Shifting Tides of Life Meditation

To read or listen to the full podcast that precedes this meditation click on the link (From HBH: Episode No. 35 – As Above, So Below: Nature’s Reminders of Beauty and Balance)

Thank you for joining me. Today on HeartBalm Meditations with Sunny, we embrace the undeniable truth that everything is connected and move towards finding balance and understanding in the shifting tides of life. We find solace in the deep wells of sadness and despair that shift and give way to vast openings, awakenings, and immense love and gratitude for life. We expand our understanding of the cycles of life that bring relief after deep suffering and upsets after joyful events. There is balance in all of it, whether it is accepted, wanted, received with happiness or not. Today, we take a moment to meet the flickering spark of light deep within and allow it to come closer and illuminate our inner and outer world, as a way to balance and harmonize our entire being, and shared being as one.

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This guided meditation is adapted from an earlier original HeartBalm Healing podcast titled, “As Above, So Below: Nature’s Reminders of Beauty and Balance.” To listen to this podcast in its entirety please visit the HeartBalm Healing website or click on the link.

This will be a part of the HeartBalm Meditation toolbox. The link to all meditations is in the archives as well as the toolbox on the home page at HeartBalm and is now available on the HeartBalm YouTube Channel.

Join me now for a moment of tenderness and communion, to build a peaceful home within yourself to come back to time and time again.

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Meditation Toolbox
The complete "HeartBalm Meditations with Sunny" catalog of guided meditations. This is your sanctuary for unfurling, healing, and finding the soothing balm for your loving heart. Step into a space of tranquility and calm, where you can nurture your soul.