Meditation Toolbox
Soul Nourishment & Grounding Guided Meditation

Soul Nourishment & Grounding Guided Meditation

Meditations with Sunny

Soul Nourishment: A Guided Grounding Meditation

Thank you for joining me. Today on HeartBalm Meditations with Sunny, I invite you to join me on a powerful journey of revitalization, grouning, and soul nourishment and replenishment. This meditation will help you draw energy, love, stability, and connection back to your mind, body, and soul, and assist you during times when you feel depleted of energy and tapped out of resources. This tender practice is crafted especially for those with sensitive hearts, empathic souls, and anyone seeking solace and grounding in a busy world. This is an updated version of a previous grounding meditation - so if you’re listening to this again or hearing it for the first time enjoy this powerful guided meditation on the vital practice of Grounding.

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This will be a part of the HeartBalm Meditation toolbox. The link to all meditations is in the archives as well as the toolbox on the home page at HeartBalm and is now available on the HeartBalm YouTube Channel.

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Meditation Toolbox
The complete "HeartBalm Meditations with Sunny" catalog of guided meditations. This is your sanctuary for unfurling, healing, and finding the soothing balm for your loving heart. Step into a space of tranquility and calm, where you can nurture your soul.