HeartBalm Healing Podcast
Mending & Nourishing Your Life Through Grounding

Mending & Nourishing Your Life Through Grounding

HeartBalm Healing | Episode No. 62
Photo: Hiking trail, mountains and trees - a perfect place to ground and feel connected. Montana (2010). Copyright SJPhotography

Mending & Nourishing Your Life Through Grounding (includes a guided meditation)

Grounding is the dance between our roots and the earth, a harmonious connection that allows us to stand tall, anchored by our own authenticity and aligned with our true purpose.

I write quite often on the subject of grounding because it is so important for our well-being. I have also created many guided meditations to help us anchor into this powerful source of stillness, oneness, and grace; guided meditations that I hope meet me and others where they are. Feeling grounded is vital. When I am grounded, I find that I am at my happiest, at my most centered in mind, body, and soul, and feeling my healthiest. Sometimes it is hard to cultivate – when I feel miles away from myself or feel lost and unable to find solid ground. Yet, I know all I need do is find time to open myself up to grounding, to listen, to unfurl the petals of my closed heart and mind, and take the time to accept help, allow love to flow to me and from me again, and surrender to this deeply loving, and centering force.

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Grounding is the sacred act of reclaiming our own power, silencing external distractions, and embracing the whispers of our own intuition.

As the ceaseless winds of our bustling lives carry us from one task to the next, it becomes all too easy to lose ourselves to external demands and expectations. We become entangled in the threads of responsibility and obligation; our energy is depleted as we strive to meet the world's relentless demands. Yet, in this perpetual dance, we forget our authentic nature, and our true essence, and can become lost to ourselves. As we begin to feel how lost we are there is a desperate yearning to find our way back to stillness, peace, and a way to regain our footing again. We have experienced the transformative power of grounding before, and deep down we know that finding solid ground again holds the key to our well-being. It is the gateway to feeling at home in our own skin, allowing our mind to soften and find stillness, and expanding our hearts to hold ourselves and others as loved, loving, and loveable.

I marvel at the smallest saplings to the tallest and most ancient of trees rooting themselves deeply into the earth. An act of trust, a sacred bond that gives and receives the energy of life, and finds stability and nourishment in earth’s maternal embrace. In the same way, as those roots offer stability amidst the fiercest storms, grounding grants us a solid foundation—a profound connection to our innermost selves. It is the very essence of nourishment that keeps us centered, resilient, and prepared to navigate the highs and lows that life presents us.

Just as a tree draws sustenance from the earth, grounding nourishes our souls, enabling us to flourish and radiate our unique brilliance.

In a world where distractions beckon from every corner, grounding becomes our sanctuary—a sacred space where we can retreat, refocus, and rediscover our true essence. It is a deliberate act of reclaiming our authenticity, silencing the clamor of external voices, and turning our attention inward. Through grounding, we invite a gentle softening of our being, like a flower opening its petals to the warmth of the sun. As we anchor ourselves intentionally, we embark on a transformative journey of self-awareness—an intimate exploration of our values, beliefs, and aspirations. Grounding softens the rigid edges of our existence, allowing us to flow with grace and ease, embracing the fluidity of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots.

_Rumi, “The Essential Rumi”

As we ground, we reveal the treasures within ourselves—our passions, strengths, and vulnerabilities. We become intimately acquainted with the tapestry of our emotions, our deepest needs, and our most fervent desires. In this gentle excavation of the self, we begin to grasp the beauty of self-love—a love that blossoms unconditionally, embracing our unique blend of strengths and imperfections. Grounding offers us the ability to unfold into a space of healing and is especially helpful for those that suffer with chronic anxiety, depression, complex trauma, or CPTSD. This gentle approach is a balm that does not push or ask us to do more – it does not overwhelm or burden us with how, why, when, or where we need to heal – it just allows us to connect and fall into the always-available embrace of grace, love, and acceptance of who we are right now as beautiful, perfectly imperfect, worthy and deserving.

Sometimes the quickest way to ground when we are in the midst of a panic attack, or when we feel disconnected from our body is to do a quick grounding exercise.

Grounding Exercise: simply look around you and identify or name

5 things you see

4 things you feel

3 things you hear

2 things you smell, and

1 thing you taste

To ground oneself is not an act of selfishness, but an act of selflessness, and profound transformation—a catalyst for cultivating compassion and empathy. When we prioritize our own well-being – we fill our own cup and overflow with an abundant love that spills over to those around us. Our grounded presence becomes a beacon of inspiration, inviting others to embark on their own inward journey—a journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth. To ground is a self-realized and self-directed action – but a deeply loving and compassionate act necessary for a balanced and harmonious life.

Grounding empowers us to set healthy boundaries, honor our needs, and prioritize self-care—a transformative practice that fosters balance and well-being.

In the embrace of self-love and grounding, we find the strength to navigate life's trials with grace and resilience. We develop an unshakeable sense of self-worth—a powerful shield that deflects the arrows of criticism, failure, and disappointment. Grounded in our own truth, we radiate authenticity, unafraid to stand tall amidst the storms of conformity.

Grounding and self-love empower us to set boundaries—to cherish and protect our own well-being. We learn to honor our needs and embrace the nourishment that sustains us. In doing so, we create a solid foundation from which we can grow, thrive, and make meaningful contributions to the world. Grounding becomes the fertile soil that nurtures our dreams, enabling them to take root and blossom into reality.

And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.

_Khalil Gibran, “The Collected Works & Drawings of Kahlil Gibran”

In a world that celebrates busyness, overdoing, and self-sacrifice, we must remind ourselves of the inherent value of grounding. It is not a fleeting indulgence but a fundamental necessity—an act of self-care that allows us to tap into our limitless potential and rejuvenate our depleted energy stores, check in with our heart and soul, and take stock of how close or far away we are from ourselves. As we embark on this journey of self-discovery, rooted in the essence of grounding, we awaken to our true selves and embrace the vast tapestry of life's possibilities.

Feeling rooted in the earth is soothing to the body, and it is our connection to the earth that gives us our most basic sense of belonging, home, resilience, and safety.

_Jessica Moore, “Everything, Now”

Join me now for a moment to pause and inhale the stillness that surrounds us. Let us reconnect with the depths of our being and surrender to the transformative power of grounding. In this sacred dance, we merge with the present moment, honoring our strengths, embracing our imperfections, and nourishing our spirits. For in the dance of grounding, we unlock the flow of authenticity, becoming conduits of love and light that ripple outwards, illuminating the world with our presence.

Join me for a guided meditation (in the audio version) to pause and inhale the stillness that surrounds us. Let us reconnect with the depths of our being and surrender to the transformative power of grounding. Every time we pause to meditate and find a space of stillness we build a stronger home base to return to. This is how we create and nurture a place within to come back to when we need relief, respite, healing, and a new perspective.

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HeartBalm Healing Podcast
Bringing love, presence, and balm to everyday lives, traumatized souls & aching hearts through word, poetry, nature, art, guided meditations, power gems, and offerings on self-love and being heart-centered in the midst of life 💖