HeartBalm Healing Podcast
Self-Love as the Key to Healing

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Self-Love as the Key to Healing

HeartBalm Healing | Episode No. 28

Self-Love as the Key to Healing

We meet ourselves every day – all day – in every kind of way though we may not always be aware of the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs that arise or how they show up in relationships, events, and circumstances. There are myriad ways that we meet ourselves each and every day but do we truly show up for ourselves? Do we truly attend to our internal and beloved relationship with ourselves? How do you meet yourself – the one that is angry at another for saying something hurtful or critical? How do you embrace yourself – the one that is sad about losing a contract or a job? How do you look into your being and sit with the one that is scared when the world around you is filled with chaos, hate, and violence? How do you meet yourself as the source of self-love and healing?

Understanding yourself is power. Loving yourself is freedom. Forgiving yourself is peace. Being yourself is bliss.


The world and others are not here to give us self-love. We must accept our lovability for ourselves. This means tending to the garden of our compassionate hearts. Cultivating the tender seeds of our authentic nature to grow and bloom, and taking an active stance in the ever-changing landscape of our life.

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The journey of life bends around corners and crashes to a halt at times all the while showing up to offer opportunities to meet yourself more fully in every moment. Inviting you to look again at how you meet yourself in these moments, and allow experiences to bring you closer to understanding your responsibility in finding love and compassion for yourself. Developing and practicing self-loving habits that support you and create a solid foundation to show up consistently on your own behalf.

If you will stop nourishing the thought of evil in your life, it will starve from lack of attention and fade away.

_Catherine Ponder, “The Dynamic Laws of Healing”

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HeartBalm Healing Podcast
Bringing love, presence, and balm to everyday lives, traumatized souls & aching hearts through word, poetry, nature, art, guided meditations, power gems, and offerings on self-love and being heart-centered in the midst of life 💖