HeartBalm Healing Podcast
Am I Enough? Learning to Embrace Your Wholeness

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Am I Enough? Learning to Embrace Your Wholeness

HeartBalm Healing | Episode No. 25

Am I Enough? Learning to Embrace Your Wholeness

What if you are enough?

Enough for your job.

Enough for your relationships.

Enough for yourself.

Enough for what is here now and enough for what will come.

Enough for all of it – life, death, love, hate, sorrow, joy, peace and despair, healthy or sick, and enough for this moment just as it is.

What if your wholeness and enoughness are always present, abundant, everywhere, and in everything that you know, and are? What if you are always enough no matter what happens in your world? Can you feel the truth in these questions – the truth of your abiding wholeness?

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If you are faltering to feel your fullness can you feel the invitation in these questions beckoning you to come closer – to know, befriend, and embrace your true nature? This part of you that is innate, authentic, infinite, and limitless. This part of you that speaks softly and guides you to soften, rest, forgive, love, accept what is here now, and keep coming back to your heart and the truth of who you are. The part that speaks in tones that only love knows that draws you closer and closer until you know your full nature, feel the space of who you are, and all that surrounds you as whole, complete, worthy, and enough. And the knowledge that being in this moment and seeing all that you are, and all that you have is enough. Conservationist, writer, and photographer, Cristina Mittermeier says this about enoughness:

“Enoughness is a word I came across on my travels when I met people that despite lacking material wealth, were immensely happy and felt like they have “enough.” It has to do with taking only what you need and using everything that you take, knowing that doing so will allow others to also have enough.”

_Cristina Mittermeier, “Amaze”

For more on embracing your enoughness check out “Comfort in the What If of What Is” Podcast in the HeartBalm Archives.

We can lose this sense of being enough or having enough when we feel inadequate, and insecure, comparing ourselves and our lifestyle to others but this is not about changing yourself to be perfect, fit in, or belong. It is not about material possessions, and the “more and more” of life – this is about your essential self. Resting in that space of truth and wholeness that is your innate being. Sitting in this moment with air enough in your lungs to breathe, food and water enough in your body to sustain you, and the beating of your heart as enough for life itself.

The definition of “enough” (adjective) is: occurring in such quantity, quality, or scope as to fully meet demands, needs, or expectations.

_Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The challenges and obstacles that stream in front of us 24/7 can create a habit and pattern of comparing and discounting ourselves; of viewing ourselves as less than or lacking in some way; of not being as good enough as another. When you falter or feel the need for more, or that you are not enough for this moment take notice of this highlighted awareness – this discomfort arising to step closer to yourself and what within you is asking for your love and attention. Gabor Mate recently spoke on society undermining our healing and coming to know our enoughness.

In our society, there is a genocide of authenticity. There’s very little that actually promotes healing, and there’s very much that undermines it. This society loves you to be addicted. Feeling inadequate so that you’re trying to meet other people’s expectations. It loves you to try to fit in instead of being authentically yourself. This culture kills authenticity so that this path towards wholeness is not supported by the culture, in fact it is undermined by it.

_Gabor Mate, “The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture”

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HeartBalm Healing Podcast
Bringing love, presence, and balm to everyday lives, traumatized souls & aching hearts through word, poetry, nature, art, guided meditations, power gems, and offerings on self-love and being heart-centered in the midst of life 💖