Hello beautiful souls,
I wanted to share some updated information with the entire HeartBalm community, and express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has joined this journey to self-love and heart-centered living. My hope is to offer more of these community posts in the future.
As HeartBalm grows and moves into a more refined phase I want to recommit to the mission of self-love, healing, and heart-centered living; to the broader knowledge of life, beauty, truth, understanding, and love, and to the interconnected and evolving nature of everyone who finds themselves here. When one heals, we all heal, and in this, we find a direct path to oneness and self-love – as Christian Nevell Bovee wrote,
“Our first and last love is self-love.”
You may notice as you get posts and emails that I have posted a picture of myself on the HeartBalm site. It was not part of the original intention of HeartBalm to personalize it or have a face associated with it – as a way of letting the content and mission speak for itself. Additionally, as a trauma survivor and a very private person, it also felt right (and safe) to “hang back” and put HeartBalm to the fore. However, we are all on a personal journey through life, and we come together here as kindred spirits to learn, heal, and soften to our shared oneness on the path to grace. In that, I want to commit to being a part of that journey alongside you, as this is a safe space and open for all!
We are also looking for questions for HeartBalm’s Q&A Session and would love your input and to create content specific to your requests and reviews. Please take a moment to fill out either the Ask A Question or Review HeartBalm forms or both. Your input is always appreciated.
Lastly, a bit of housekeeping… In order to continue the work of HeartBalm, we have moved to a paid subscriber format. This is a reader-supported space, and therefore ad and sponsor free, which is always a wonderful thing – yet running a growing small business is not free – hence “needs-musts.” We love having you as a subscriber but would love having you as a paid subscriber even more. If you aren’t already getting the “All-Access Pass” as a paid subscriber, I’d love to invite you to upgrade to a paid subscription so you don’t miss a thing. Monthly and annual subscriptions are budget friendly (haven’t increased with inflation), and in line with the cost of your favorite latte or cappuccino 1x/month – yummy! As a supporter of this space, you’ll have an “All-Access Pass” to all weekly and monthly podcasts, newsletters, videos, and other heart-centered offerings. You’re also welcome to share what resonated with you, comment, join discussion threads, and share excerpts of today’s newsletter on social media, forward it to someone who’d like to read it or text it to a friend.
We also offer Gift Subscriptions and are asking our generous subscribers to Donate Subscriptions to help provide scholarships for those who are unable to afford a paid subscription.
Blessings and balm to you in this beautiful moment of Presence,
Sunny Lynn, OMC