HeartBalm Healing Podcast
Celebrating HeartBalm Healing's 2-Year Anniversary

Celebrating HeartBalm Healing's 2-Year Anniversary

The HeartBalm Journey Continues

Two years ago, we embarked on a journey together—a journey of healing, growth, and connection. Today, as we celebrate the second anniversary of HeartBalm Healing, my heart is filled with gratitude for each and every one of you who has been a part of this incredible community.

To all our followers and subscribers, thank you for your unwavering support, your kindness, and your openness. Your trust in our mission to foster healing and well-being means the world to us. Together, we've created a space where vulnerability is celebrated, where wounds are transformed into sources of strength, and where love and compassion abound.

As we reflect on the past two years, we're filled with joy at how far we've come and the lives we've touched. But we also look to the future with excitement and anticipation. There's so much more healing to be done, so many more lives to impact, and so many more stories to share.

So here's to opening our hearts even wider, to welcoming more souls into our community, and to continuing this journey of healing together. Thank you for being a part of HeartBalm Healing, and here's to many more years of growth, connection, and transformation.

With love, balm, and gratitude,

Sunny Lynn, OMC

P.S. Enjoy the inaugural episode of HeartBalm Healing (with accompanying guided meditation) as an invitation to renew our shared connection of love and healing, and honor the profound healing steps you take each and every day – as we all “Return to Love.”

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Returning to Love

If you look closely you will see that at the end, the bottom and the edges of everything: fear, loneliness, anger, despair, sadness, pain, recurring trauma, heartache - after these things rise up and threaten to capsize our lives into a terrifying ocean of darkness and unfathomable depths – LOVE still abides.

This one thing.

This not-insignificant or minuscule thing.

This infinite, vast, all-encompassing thing.

LOVE is still here.

It has never left.

It will never leave you to the oblivion that you feel closer to sometimes and seem to be more at home with. This oblivion that you cling to like huge boulders in the endless turbulent ocean of your life. Of course, this is more familiar to you in many moments of your life than LOVE is. But LOVE doesn’t mind. LOVE only LOVES.

When the waves of tears have finally been wiped away from your eyes LOVE will be here.

When the ocean of your mind calms and you can feel your body breathing once more LOVE will embrace you.

When life is peaceful once more and the cloudy skies open to the brilliance of the sun shining its light for you - then you will feel LOVE again.

But what do you do when the storm clouds close in again and the waves of unconsciousness tower over you threatening to sink you back to oblivion – is LOVE here then? Yes, even here in the depths of despair sweet one. LOVE will never abandon you. LOVE is here with you always.

When we forget ourselves to the darkness and doings of life we think softness and LOVE have abandoned us along the way. We find ourselves alone and in the dark. But if we stop and pause – we can begin to see the flicker of light that is still there – waiting for us to wipe the toil of daily living from our eyes and see clearly again. LOVE still holds us in its gentle embrace. It is here on the other side of what skews our sight or the thoughts that create shadows and haze that block the light of LOVE from our current reality.

When we have forgotten how to see and feel with love, we think life is dull, scary, and endless in its torments and challenges. We think that we are not worthy of better or more because disappointment has trained us to feel okay with less. We think if there is LOVE here for us it is scarce, transactional, limited, or long gone – lost to our inner storms, anger, and frustration – lost to our badness, ignorance, laziness, or other self-defeating mantras.

But this is not so sweet one.

You are not broken, you do not have to be fixed, you are unconditionally loved at all times, in all spaces, and in all ways. LOVE only ever sees your deserving, worthy, and infinite heart. LOVE does not mind that you have erred, faltered, or failed in some human way – LOVE is still here with you – always!

When you find yourself hardening to life again; adding layers of armor onto your already shielded body and mind it is in the brief moments of remembrance when you can see again, and feel again. All it takes is a pause – to feel the breath of life flowing in and out of your body, softening your thoughts and your heart even if just a little bit to open to the awareness of LOVE.

Every moment offers you full-spectrum access to LOVE. The LOVE that holds you, the LOVE that you are innately, the LOVE that forgives and allows, the LOVE that soothes your heart when a moment before it seemed all was lost. LOVE is not a trivial thing. LOVE is found in all things, in all moments, and waits at the bottom of your darkest and most painful times. These are the moments where pausing to see once more – to see the obstacles that have been placed in front of us – those things that seem opaque to LOVE’s light are exactly what shows us the way back to ourselves and back to LOVE.

This is the moment you begin to see the light as it begins to seep back into your bruised and shaded heart.

Challenging times that show up as barriers to LOVE can strengthen our love of self, our ability to become aware of our true nature, and the LOVE that never leaves us. These moments of remembrance renew our confidence in our gentle, sensitive, intelligent nature; in our unconditionally loving heart, and in our trust in the world. These moments reboot us for all the moments that follow and can bring us to awareness more quickly the next time we find ourselves in the wildest and scariest of storms.

Join me for a guided meditation to open to the LOVE that is within you and always accessible. Come closer to your own ways of loving yourself and how you love and bring love to life and others, to challenges or the simple acts of your day. Expand this inner loving space of awareness and grace to joyously meet all that arises with confidence and compassion.

Thank you for joining me. Go feel adored sweet one. I love you.

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HeartBalm Healing Podcast
Bringing love, presence, and balm to everyday lives, traumatized souls & aching hearts through word, poetry, nature, art, guided meditations, power gems, and offerings on self-love and being heart-centered in the midst of life 💖